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ESCKAZ freelance correspondent, an expert on the Swedish (and in recent years Belarusian) music scene and one of the leaders of the Melodifestivalen group in VK Jevgēnijs Obručevskis has interviewed winner of the national preselection of Belarus IVAN. 'The feelings that I am experiencing now, this is probably the ecstasy, euphoria. I still do not realize completely what had happened, and what work we have to do in the future.
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I am thinking that we have a lot of work on the song and staging in front of us', said the winner. Alexander also confirmed he has no plans to make a replacement of the entry, but promised to work hard to surprise the audience, and develop a good stage presentation for the international Eurovision Song Contest. 'We believe that this song is worthy, and we'll just only strengthen it with the staging, but we have no plans to replace it'. 'I want to wish to everyone all the good and happiness, and many thanks to all those who was watching and who had voted for me. Yours, Ivan'. The video is available on Youtube with English subtitles.
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Today were held shootings of the postcard of Belarus representative in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 IVAN (Sasha Ivanov). Tthe Swedish crew came to Belarus to shoot IVAN's postcard that features singer's favourite places and links him in a very unique way with his home country. His postcard shows who IVAN is in his real life, namely, 'cheeky, self-confident, but with a smile'. The recordings took place in three different places: in the forest, in the old town of Minsk and in the music shop.
In the forest, the Belarusian representative took a walk with a real wolf. 3 years old wolf of mixed Eastern-European and Canadian roots named Hazard has been chosen as the special guest star of the postcard, helping to prepare the audience for the upcoming stage presentation of the Belarusian entrant. 'This is not the first wolf I'm working with, but it is less tractable, it's male, it's big, it's strong, it is difficult to hold him on a leash, it pulls like some KAMAZ truck', says IVAN.
This animal has a very special meaning for the singer and symbolises his tie with nature. During the shooting, IVAN had white stripes pained on his face. 'Drawing on my face is a kind of tribute to ancestors, some rituals, nothing related to the war war, it is not the fighting colors,' says artist of his image The second spot of IVAN's postcard was the old town of Minsk, a cultural and architectural centre. Beside this, the singer visited a music shop, where he played different music instruments. Also, in the photos from today shooting can be seen also the continuation of the adventures of the guitar that IVAN took away from his potential bride in the second promotional video #IvanGO 'This year we are using a very steep stabilization system for the camera and the viewer will feel like he is flying around our star', say members of the Swedish film crew.
There are five creative and production teams on the journey accross the Europe, and this particular one from Belarus will now travel to Slovenia. Upon return to Belarus for the filming of the postcard, IVAN also met several Belarusian media and attended number of programs of BTRC.