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Author by: Sandu Publishing Language: en Publisher by: Gingko Press Editions Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 49 Total Download: 146 File Size: 54,9 Mb Description: Logoism is an inspirational reference for contemporary logo design, a guide to the latest innovations as well as a precursor to coming trends. Over 1,500 cutting-edge logos were selected and divided into six groups based on their styles and characters - symbol, type, symbol and type, form, ensemble, and retro. Whether they consist purely of symbols or/and letters, apply retro aesthetics or vintage styles, were designed with multiple variations or draw inspiration from geometric structures, all are brilliant examples of the form from designers around the globe.
Author by: Wim van den Dungen Language: en Publisher by: Lulu.com Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 56 Total Download: 509 File Size: 41,6 Mb Description: This book offers a commentary on the 'Maxims of Good Discourse', an exceptional and very old text from Ancient Egypt's Old Kingdom (ca. 2670 - 2205 BCE), written over 4000 years ago by a man called Ptahhotep (or Ptah is pleased). By way of a deliberate instruction given by a father to his (spiritual) son, it enables the latter, by way of good discourse, to live the good life, the outcome of not interrupting the moment of the heart, offending one's vital energy (Ka).
Such an excellent son, an Egyptian gentleman during life, will be a justified deceased in the afterlife. The Maxims describe a special kind of discourse, one leading to a happy life. This by engaging in proper thoughts, speech and actions. Morality is rooted in thought (heart) and speech (the right or wrong use of the tongue).
Author by: Paul R. Josephson Language: en Publisher by: JHU Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 91 Total Download: 757 File Size: 43,6 Mb Description: Who would have guessed that the first sports bra was made out of two jockstraps sewn together or that it succeeded because of federal anti-discrimination laws?

What do simple decisions about where to build a road or whether to buy into the carbon economy have to do with Hurricane Katrina or the Fukushima nuclear disaster? How did massive flood control projects on the Mississippi River and New Deal dams on the Columbia River lead to the ubiquity of high fructose corn syrup? Toksikomaniya prezentaciya azasha.
And what explains the creation—and continued popularity—of the humble fish stick? In Fish Sticks, Sports Bras, and Aluminum Cans, historian Paul R. Josephson explores the surprising origins, political contexts, and social meanings of ordinary objects. Drawing on archival materials, technical journals, interviews, and field research, this engaging collection of essays reveals the forces that shape (and are shaped by) everyday objects. Ultimately, Josephson suggests that the most familiar and comfortable objects—sugar and aluminum, for example, which are inextricably tied together by their linked history of slavery and colonialism—may have the more astounding and troubling origins. Students of consumer studies and the history of technology, as well as scholars and general readers, will be captivated by Josephson’s insights into the complex relationship between society and technology.