Jcd 201m Base Microphone Manual

• 126 Answers SOURCE: This procedure is not as simple as just cutting a wire. Note that you can possibly mess your radio up if any maintenace is not done properly. I do suggest taking your radio to a proffesional to have the talkback removed, but, if you really want to do it yourself, go to ghe following link and basically reverse what has been done. This is the service bulletin for the addition of talkback to the Cobra 150GTL DX and the Cobra 200GTL DX. As long as the talkback was added correctly, this can be put back origional. If this does or does not help, please reply on here or email me at.
I look forward to hearing from you. Dean Rollin CBs Mt.
When I first installed this mic everyone in my area asked what I did to make my rig sound so clean and loud at the same time. The mic I replaced was a Silver Eagle d104. If I ever have a need for another base mic this will be my choice to purchase even though I have a perfect d104 collecting dust.
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Vernon, TX Posted on Feb 14, 2008.