Flatron L177wsb Driver Windows 7

Seperti pengalaman saya kali ini masalah timbul karena drivers bawaan monitor LG Flatron L177WSB mengalami masalah pada Windows 7 yang saya pakai, satu diantaranya sesudah saya install drivers bawaan monitor tersebut, saya melihat ada perubahan warna pada background 'Windows Photo Viewer' menjadi kuning seperti tampak pada gambar di bawah ini. LG Flatron L177WSB driver free download - LG Flatron L1750S 17' LCD Monitor. Posted by Anonymous on Aug 10, 2012. Which is the best screen resolution for lg flatron l177wsb with a windows 7. According to LG's webpage on that particular L177 series of monitors, its maximum resolution is 1440x900.
Dolzhnostnaya instrukciya elektrika v boljnice. When I go to the LG website and download the Windows 7 driver for the LG Flatron W2361VG-PF my AVG Anti-Virus goes insane saying the Setup.exe file has the virus Win32/Virut in it. Anyone else run into this? What website did you use? When I go to and go to the download section and then list computer items and then displays all I see are owner manuals and the like listed. No drivers or software come up with any search there.
Makes me wonder what hole in the wall joint you found 'drivers' at.or what super secret LG site hides such files. Oh, by the way, why are yyou looking for 'drivers' for your monitor anyway? My LG monitor didnt' need any special 'driver' to work with Windows 7. After doing some more searching I've yet to find any drivers of tis sort from LG offiial sites. I do find LG Display 'drivers' at sites I personally would flag as highly suspect sites to download files from.
I've had Windows7-64 bit for the last 9 months and have been unable to find a driver from LG that will give me the resolution that I used to have on my 22' screen. At 1280 X 1024 I should receive much higher resolution.
BTW, the resolution was perfect prior to upgrading to 64bit. When I contacted LG 8 months ago they basically told me to go pound sand. I'm very disappointed in the company, both at their response and their lack of supporting the largest desktop OS in the world. I will never purchase another LG product and encourage all my clients, family and friends to follow suit. I am now shopping for a new large screen monitor - so if you know anyone that supports 64bit I would appreciate your suggestions to save me some time of researching.

You shouldn't need a driver for the monotor. As far as the resolution, make sure you have the current drivers for your graphics card. This should resolve your resolution problem. In terms of the monitor itself, you can install the one off the disc. Its basically a color profile if you choose to use it.
I found it easier to update from the Device Manager manually, and point it towards the CD. R/Click the Monitor in the Monitor Section and choose Update Driver. Then Browse my Computer. Then Browse to the CD/DVD drive as the location. Leave the 'Include Sub Folders' box checked. Computer type PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number Self Built Custom OS Windows 7 Ultimate Retail Box (64-bit installed) + Service Pack 1 CPU AMD FX-8350 CPU v1.15 (or 1.0F) BIOS was required! Motherboard MSI 890FXA-GD70 Memory 8G CAS-7 G-Skill DDR3 @1333 (2 fours) [mobo nonOC max rec'd] Graphics Card Radeon HD 7950 [3 gigs of GDDR5] MSI Twin Frozr model Sound Card Realtek High Definition Audio (onboard mobo, ALC-889 chip) Monitor(s) Displays 2 WS LED Monitors: One LG One Viewsonic Screen Resolution 1920 by 1080.
Keyboard Logitech G11 Mouse Logitech M310 Wireless PSU Corsair TX850 - 850W max, in service since August 2010. Case Thermaltake Armor A90 Cooling Thermaltake Spin Q CPU Cooler, in service since August 2010 Hard Drives SSD for OS: Samsung 840 Pro SSD for VM and utilities: Adata SX900 7200 RPM SATA HDs for the rest: Hitachi and Seagate Internet Speed 100 Megabit broadband supposedly upgraded from 50 (Cable) Antivirus Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 suite Browser Pale Moon 64-bit main, also IceDragon, Opera, and Maxthon. Other Info CompTIA A+ certified (220-800 series) in July 2013. I tried to connect an LG flatron W2442PE monitor to my HP laptop running windows 7 64 bit professional version through the VGA port.