Fanuc Tp Editor Software
•Automatically create the TP program from spot. Standard software Software Standard PC option. Please contact FANUC for advice. ROBOGUIDE(E)-10, 2017. FANUC's TP programming language and the teach pendant's built-in editor are great tools. They allow relatively novice programmers to get up and running very.
• I was with a customer earlier this week who needed a little help with one of their robots. It was a simple pick and place application, but for one reason or another, one of its placements had drifted and now the robot was fumbling that drop at overrides over 70%. Pretty simple fix, right?
Put the robot in teach, pick up a part and then step it through the place routine. • What do you think this line of code does? JMP LBL[9999]; If you’ve been programming FANUC robots for a while, you probably guessed that this statement jumps to the end of the program. It comes in many variants: JMP LBL[999], JMP LBL[10000], etc., but the intent is almost always the same: end this routine. Digital electronics with vhdl william kleitz pdf printers.

The problem is that there’s no guarantee that LBL[9999] or LBL[10000] or whatever actually ends the routine. • Have you ever looked at a TP program and gotten lost following all the LBLs and JMPs?
Have you ever gotten lazy handling your WAIT-statement TIMEOUTs because you didn’t want to bother adding the extra stuff to your main routine? If you’re nodding “yes” right now, you should try isolating your WAIT-statements into their own small programs. In my eight-plus years of programming robots and troubleshooting other people’s code, I’ve found that a mess of labels and lack of refactoring large programs into smaller routines is the single biggest cause of issues. • My last project was a machine load/unload application where the robot had two basically identical grippers. Either gripper could be used to load or unload any station. Here’s how I handled the payload switching and grip/ungrip logic in the load/unload programs.
• FANUC’s TP programming environment is great for creating simple programs quickly. From the comfort of your teach pendant, you can record a few points, turn a few bits on and off and have a fully functional demo within a few minutes. However, as soon as you have to add some real intelligence to your robot, you’ll quickly find the editor to be cumbersome and slow. I’ve already written about how I write my TP programs by hand, but here’s a quick trick I’ve been using to make my development faster and my programs a little easier to understand: tiny programs. • When dealing with multiple robot systems, I usually find that maintaining consistency from robot-to-robot is usually the most difficult part. Simply getting backups of all your robots can be a pain if you don’t have the right tool for the job. If you’re using Windows (you probably are), just a little knowledge of the command line and the ftp utility will make your life a lot easier.
The Command Prompt If you’ve never used the Windows command prompt before, read this quick intro from the Princeton CS department. • TP programs should be readable.
If an operator can step through the code and understand it, you might be able to avoid a phone call when the robot inevitably misbehaves. Lately I’ve been simplifying complex conditionals into unique flags to keep my programs short and simple. Let’s say you have an application where the robot needs to unload one machine and then load another machine. The part out of machine 1 is hot so you want to wait until both machines are ready before unloading the first machine. • Programming FANUC robots is easy.
Giving the robots enough intelligence to run safely and reliably in just about any failure scenario is the hard part. This is where many integrators get into trouble. They don’t plan enough programming time on the front-end so that they are forced to add polish on the production floor. If your FAT is just a day or two away and your code isn’t sprinkled with all sorts of (hopefully rarely used but thoroughly tested) error recovery routines, you’re in trouble. • I used to be a frame offset (PR Offset) guy almost 100% of the time.
Assuming you are using accurate UFRAMEs and UTOOLs, this should get you pretty far in material handling. However, once things stop being perfect and your tolerances start getting really tight, you might be better off using tool offsets in your pick and place situations. Pick product from fixture 1; UFRAME_NUM=1; L P[1:pick] 1000mm/s CNT100 Offset,PR[1:pick approach]; L P[1:pick] 250mm/s CNT0; CALL GRIP; L P[1:pick] 500mm/s CNT100 Offset,PR[2:pick retreat];;! • FANUC’s TP programming language and the teach pendant’s built-in editor are great tools. They allow relatively novice programmers to get up and running very quickly. Teach a couple points, throw in a couple labels and IF statements, and you’re off to the races.